Bromeliad Collection
A collection of species of Bromeliaceae from humid tropical rainforests and arid regions.

Location: Tropical Nursery, Princess of Wales Conservatory, Palm House and Rock Garden (hardy specimens only)
Taxa: 656 Accessions: 974 Wild-sourced: >50%
Geographic strengths: Neotropics, particularly the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica) in Brazil
Taxonomic strengths: Aechmea, Neoregelia, Pitcairnia and Tillandsia
Notable specimens: Alcantarea imperialis, a rupicolous bromeliad endemic to inselbergs in eastern Brazil; Neoregelia cruenta an ecologically important species of sandy coastal plain vegetation; Goudaea ospinae var. gruberi, a recently described genus endemic to Colombia; and Canistrum montanum and Nidularium fulgens, endemic to the Mata Atlântica and not common in cultivation