Coates Wood Collection
A collection of southern hemisphere trees.

Location: Coates Wood, a woodland plateau on the eastern boundary overlooking Bloomers Valley
Taxa: 115 Accessions: 833 Wild-sourced: 67%
Geographic strengths: South America and Australasia, particularly Chile, Argentina and Tasmania
Taxonomic strengths: Araucaria, Prumnopitys, Pilgerodendron, Austrocedrus, Eucalyptus, Wollemia, Eucryphia, Athrotaxis, Nothofagus and Podocarpus; over 60 species in Coates wood are on the IUCN Red List and some have been stored in the Millennium Seed Bank
Notable specimens: Over 70 wild-sourced Araucaria araucana specimens collected from their last coastal distribution in Chile; Eucalyptus morrisbyi, a rare and endangered tree endemic to south-eastern Tasmania; and 30 Wollemia nobilis specimens planted in a grove