Horsebridge Wood Collection
A collection of North American trees.

Location: Horsebridge Wood, dominated by a sandstone ridge east of the boundary
Taxa: 235 Accessions: 1,306 Wild-sourced: 67%
Geographic strengths: Six North American floristic provinces are represented: Appalachian, Vancouverian, Rocky Mountain, Californian, Gulf and South Coast and Canadian
Taxonomic strengths: Quercus, Abies, Acer, Calocedrus, Pinus, Sequoia, Pseudotsuga, Sequoiadendron, Picea and Carya, including 135 threatened species; and new wild-collected Abies fraseri plantings – this species is threatened and decreasing in the wild
Notable specimens: Sequoiadendron giganteum, Sequoia sempervirens, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Picea breweriana and Abies bracteata