The Rhododendron Collection
A varied collection of Rhododendron species.

Location: Westwood Valley, Asian Heath Garden and Water Gardens
Taxa: 546 Accessions: 1,885 Wild-sourced: 33%
Geographic strengths: China, Bhutan, Japan, Taiwan and Nepal
Notable specimens: Over 100 threatened taxa, many of which are also uncommon in cultivation, including Rhododendron fauriei, R. × diphrocalyx, R. dimitrum, R. forrestii, R. fragariiflorum, R. glaucophyllum subsp. glaucophyllum, R. huidongense, R. kongboense, R. mimetes, R. sanguineum var. cloiophorum, R. taiwanalpinum, R. temenium var. gilvum ’Cruachan’ and R. zaleucum var. flaviflorum; the Kew and Wakehurst Rhododendron collections are globally significant and Wakehurst is now part of the Global Conservation Consortium for Rhododendron (GCCR)