Tender Temperate Collection
A collection of frost sensitive temperate plant taxa, ranging from small herbaceous plants to woody trees and climbers.

Location: Tropical Nursery and Temperate House
Taxa: 1,557 Accessions: 1,801 Wild-sourced: 41%
Geographic strengths: South Africa and South America, particularly the Andes
Taxonomic strengths: Proteaceae (incl. Alloxylon, Buckinghamia, Banksia, Grevillea, Hakea, Leucadendron, Mimetes, Protea and Stenocarpus); Ericaceae (incl. Agapetes, Macleania, Erica and Rhododendron); and climbing plants including Clematis, Hardenbergia, Hoya, Jasminum, Kennedia, Mutisia and Solanum with a major focus on Passiflora
Notable specimens: Specimens of the rare Banksia brownii, Erica verticillata and Passiflora cremastantha; and the largest ex situ collections of arboreal passionflowers (subgenus Astrophea) worldwide