Tropical Herbaceous Collection
A collection of herbaceous species from the main tropical plant families of the world.

Location: Tropical Nursery, Princess of Wales Conservatory, Palm House, Waterlily House
Taxa: 918 Accessions: 2,582 Wild-sourced: 29%
Geographic strengths: tropical East Africa and South America
Taxonomic strengths: Acanthaceae, Gesneriaceae, Marantaceae and Zingiberaceae as well as miscellaneous herbaceous plants in Commelinaceae, Poaceae and Amaryllidaceae. Key genera include Begonia, Saintpaulia, Peperomia, Impatiens and Dorstenia
Notable specimens: Issoglossa variegata, a Tanzanian species currently only known in cultivation at Kew; Heteradelphia paulojaegeria from Guinea, rated Endangered by the IUCN and not seen in the wild for decades; and Saintpaulia – all specimens are of wild origin and all are threatened, making this a valuable ex situ conservation resource