Tropical Woody and Climbers Collection
A collection of woody plants and climbers from every tropical region in the world.

Location: Tropical Nursery, Princess of Wales Conservatory, Palm House and Temperate House
Taxa: 1,600 Accessions: 2,409 Wild-sourced: 42%
Geographic strengths: Mascarenes (100 endemic species represented, most of which are Critically Endangered or Extinct in the Wild)
Taxonomic strengths: Woody collections include Annonaceae, Bignoniaceae, Dracaena, Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae, Malvaceae, Moraceae, Piperaceae, Rubiaceae, Rhizophoraceae and many more. Some of the key climbing genera are Passiflora, Dioscorea and Aristolochia
Notable specimens: Ramosmania rodriguesii (café marron), endemic to the island of Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean and brought back from the brink of extinction at Kew; and Brownea x crawfordii, a beautiful tropical ornamental tree accession that has been cultivated at Kew since the eighteenth century