Accessibility at Kew Gardens
We want everyone to have an enjoyable time at Kew, so we aim to provide accessibility support across the Gardens.

Ticket prices
Free garden day time entry for:
- essential companions, personal assistants, support workers and next of kin accompanying disabled visitors
- registered blind and partially-sighted visitors
Disabled visitors qualify for a concession ticket.
Those on Universal Credit qualify for a £1 ticket. Visit out tickets and prices page for more info.
We understand that some guests will not be able to access some event without the assistance of an Essential Companion. We are pleased to be able to offer an Essential Companion ticket for those guests who require additional assistance to enjoy all that we have to offer.
When you arrive, you will be asked to produce documentation to validate your companion ticket.
Accepted documentation:
- Entitlement to Disability Living Allowance for children under 16
- Personal Independent payments for those aged 16-64
- Attendance Allowance or Carer's Allowance letter of award - Incapacity Benefit book
- A Blue or Orange badge - BD8 or a Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI)
- The Access Card
- International Proof of Disability
Please contact if you need to discuss your access needs further.
Getting here
Public transport
You can get to Kew Gardens by bus, train or tube.
Plan your journey to Kew Gardens
Accessible/blue badge parking
Kew Gardens car park (TW9 3AF) near Brentford Gate is open, however parking is prohibited along Kew Road. Check the Richmond council website for parking updates.
- Drivers displaying a blue badge can park in Kew Gardens car park (TW9 3AF) free of charge
- There are 11 accessible/blue badge parking spaces in the car park (use other spaces if full)
- There are 2 accessible/blue badge parking spaces to the right of the Elizabeth Gate on Kew Green (council controlled)
Getting around
The Gardens are largely flat, with tarmac paths in most places.
- If you require assistance finding your way, please ask a member of staff and they will be happy to direct you.
- The Gardens are under a flightpath and there are often vehicles and machinery at work in the Gardens and this could cause significant noise.
- All recognised guide, assistance or service dogs – including assistance dogs in training – are welcome in the Gardens. We ask that they are recognisable, with a lead or harness that identifies them as working.
Accessibility map
This map prioritises accessibility information and highlights areas in the Gardens of sensory interest. It also includes a zoomed-in map of part of the Gardens, to help you navigate the busiest area.
We recommend you use this alongside our visual guide to help you plan and enjoy your visit to Kew Gardens.
Visual guide
Our visual guide can help you plan and enjoy your visit to Kew Gardens.
Here you'll find information about what to expect during your visit and top tips to help you have a fantastic time in the Gardens.
We recommend you use this alongside our accessibility map.
British Sign Language tours
For visitors who use British Sign Language, we offer monthly walking tours led by our specially-trained tour guides that provide an overview of the Gardens, its history and important scientific work.
These tours are free, and free entry to the Gardens is included.
Mobility scooters and wheelchairs
There are a limited number of wheelchairs available to use at all public entry gates. There’s no need to book, please ask a member of the team when you arrive.
You are welcome to bring your own mobility scooter if it is a pavement-use scooter limited to 4mph.
We also have mobility scooters that are available to borrow, if booked in advance. They are available from Brentford, Victoria and Elizabeth Gates. We recommend booking your mobility scooter at least two weeks in advance. Before booking, please refer to our accessibility map.
Please call 020 8332 5655 to book a mobility scooter.
Please note, mobility scooters are restricted in certain parts of the Gardens. Please see the Attractions section below to better plan your visit.
- The Temperate House and Alpine House are accessible by wheelchair and mobility scooter.
- The Palm House is accessible by wheelchair but not mobility scooter.
- The Princess of Wales Conservatory is accessible by wheelchair and mobility scooter. The upper floor is not accessible to wheelchairs or mobility scooters. During the annual Orchids festival, only wheelchairs are permitted.
- The Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art has a ramp to enter the gallery and is fully accessible by wheelchair.
- The Marianne North Gallery is fully accessible by wheelchair and can be entered via a platform lift near the Temperate House gate. The Marianne North Gallery is larger than the Shirley Sherwood Gallery, and can therefore accommodate a larger electric wheelchair.
Please note that the galleries are not accessible for people using mobility scooters, however we can provide manual wheelchairs for visitors to use on arrival. Visitors using electric wheelchairs are also welcome.
Historic buildings
Kew Palace is accessible for wheelchair users, offering assisted wheelchair access into the building and an accessible lift.
Due to the historic nature of the narrow corridors and doorways in Kew Palace, small wheelchairs are required. Mobility scooters are not permitted in Kew Palace or the Royal Kitchens.
All recognised guide, assistance or service dogs – including assistance dogs in training – are welcome in Kew Palace and the Royal Kitchens.
Kew Palace has two manual wheelchairs that can be borrowed while visiting the Palace. There are a limited number of manual wheelchairs available to borrow at each entrance gate to Kew Gardens.
Accessible toilets
There are unisex accessible toilets within easy reach of all the main attractions, cafés and gates. These are marked on our map of the Gardens.
Accessible toilet equipped with hoist near Brentford Gate is currently closed for maintenance.
Hearing loops
Hearing loops are installed at the gate tills, retail shop tills, and catering counters.
Get in touch
For accessibility advice during your visit, please contact us (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm):
Call: +44 (0)20 8332 5655