Become a Kew member

For a limited time, receive a free gift when you join as a Kew member.

Unlock a range of exclusive benefits with tailored memberships, all granting early access to the Gardens from 8am all summer long.

Selection of gifts available

Free welcome gift when you sign up by direct debit

For a limited time, claim a free, Kew-inspired welcome gift. Choose from a Palm House keyring, a Kew tote bag, a Kew Guide book, or a Kew Children's Guide book. 

*A family guest is a member of your family or your partner.

To redeem your free welcome gift, sign up and choose direct debit as your payment method. After your payment is processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to claim your gift on your first visit to the Gardens.

Please see our Welcome Gift Terms and Conditions and full Membership Terms and Conditions.

Membership benefits

  • Unlimited visit to the Gardens icon
    Unlimited visits to Kew Gardens and Wakehurst†
  • Membership newsletters icon
    Membership newsletters and Kew magazine subscription
  • A gift tag with a star
    A range of exclusive member events and activities
  • Shop discounts icon
    10% discount in Kew's shops†
  • Priority booking icon
    Priority booking and discounts for a range of popular events

Looking for a unique gift?

A Kew membership is the perfect feel-good gift choice for that special someone.

Young girl amongst grass in Winter Garden

Wakehurst membership only

From £35, enjoy unlimited entry to Wakehurst and the Millennium Seed Bank all year round.

Other ways to support us

There are many other ways to support our work as an individual or an organisation.


As a charity, the income Kew receives from donations is vital. By donating today, you're helping support our beloved gardens and our important global science and conservation work.

Become a Patron

Our Patrons support Kew in solving the critical challenges facing humanity today. Enjoy a close and fulfilling association with our scientists, horticulturists and other experts.

Legacy giving

By leaving a gift to us in your will, you can help secure the future of Kew’s science, conservation and world-class botanic gardens.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about membership you may find the answer quickly in members FAQs or our terms and conditions.

Please note: We are experiencing a high volume of calls right now and we are operating at a reduced capacity. Your call might not be answered immediately, so do try our email if you can't get through. Thank you for your patience.