Children's Garden quiet sessions

Join us for a quiet session in the Children’s Garden aimed at children aged 2 to 12 years with special educational needs and disabilities.

Child playing in the Children's Garden at Kew Gardens

2024 dates and times

Available to book from July

Wednesday 21 August 4.15 to 6.15pm
Sunday 22 September 8.30am to 10am
Wednesday 30 October 8.30 to 10.00am


Children’s Garden, Kew Gardens


 Quiet sessions are free and include entry to the Gardens.

Explore all the things plants need to grow; earth, air, sun and water, and enjoy the sensory elements of our Children's Garden during one of our quiet sessions.  

We are closing the Children’s Garden to the public to allow children with special educational needs and disabilities, like Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or sensory processing needs, and their parents or carers to have a more comfortable visit.

During the quiet sessions, we will be permitting fewer people than our usual time slots and ensuring easy access to avoid potentially stressful queues.

You will also be able to share your visit with others who better understand your child’s needs.

What to expect

During the quiet sessions, we will be offering some gentle sensory activities for you to enjoy as a family.

Important information

  • This event is free of charge, but tickets must be booked in advance.
  • One booking per person/membership only. You can book up to 4 children’s tickets (including siblings) and no more than 3 adults per booking.
  • Adults will not be permitted unless accompanied by a child.
  • For the out of hours morning events on Sunday 26 May, Sunday 28 July and Sunday 22 September 2024, entry is limited to Brentford Gate and Elizabeth Gate only. 

Further information on opening and closing times