Coronation Meadow
Open May to October: Wander through this enchanting meadow of native flowers and grasses – a joy for the senses in summer months.
Coronation Meadow was created in 2015 as a response to The Prince of Wales’ call for new wildflower meadows to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Coronation.
Coronation Meadow is part of a long-term research project with the University of Sussex to measure and evaluate grassland restoration. The techniques we’re using here will inform how future meadows are restored. The wildflower seed used was collected from Bedelands Nature Reserve in Burgess Hill.
Find the Coronation Meadow at marker 32 on our Map of Wakehurst

Coronation Meadow contains seven beautifully carved seats by Alun Heslop: the perfect place to stop and stare.
This is one of our meadows, where Wakehurst begins to get dramatic and wild. In these areas, we use wild collected plants arranged by country. The system is called phytogeographic planting – offering a chance to travel the world in the heart of Sussex.
In 2021, we launched Nature Unlocked: the Landscape Ecology Programme.
This major research project sees Kew scientists use Wakehurst’s rich landscape as a ‘living laboratory’ to collect high quality scientific evidence on the value of UK biodiversity – the diversity of all living things (plants, fungi and animals).
Our scientists are using Coronation Meadow to investigate how biodiverse environments maximise the benefits of wasps, hoverflies, and bees.
Discover more of Wakehurst

Tony Schilling Asian Heath Garden

Southern Hemisphere Garden