Bloomers Valley
A breathtaking spectacle in high summer but with a special serenity during winter, Bloomers Valley is a landmark meadow restoration where you can enjoy our rich local grasslands.

Bloomers Valley captures the rich species of local Wealden grassland.
The visual wonder of the meadow is accompanied by the music of a huge community of humming, buzzing insects thriving within its rich diversity.
Bloomers Valley is home to a spectacular variety of typical Wealden meadow flowers: saw wort (Serratula tinctoria), bettony (Stachys officinalis) and Dyers’ greenweed (Genista tinctoria).
The meadow was restored using a combination of donor seed from local meadows such as Bedelands and techniques such as grazing and adding a grass parasite (yellow rattle).
Find the Bloomers Valley at marker 28 on our Map of Wakehurst
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